Bio-Rad S3etm Item #7101
Bio-Rad S3e: 2015 Compact 4-color sorter with 488nm and 640nm adjustable 100mW lasers, 2-way sorting up to 5 samples (10-tubes, 8-well strip or microscope slide), automated drop delay calculation, real-time droplet break-off monitoring, ProSort software, Windows 7 PC and 24" LCD monitor.
Lasers/Filters: 488nm and 640nm, 100mW ea (adjustable) diode-pumped lasers. / User-changeable optical filter design.

Workstation/Software: Windows 7 PC and 24" LCD monitor. / ProSort software provides an intuitive, streamlined control interface allowing users to effortlessly interact with the instrument or to create sorting protocols. Software automatically controls drop delay by monitoring beads in waste stream, droplet breakoff and feedback to ensure sort accuracy. Automated and manual compensation control.

Export data format: FCS 3.1
Detectors/Resolution: 4 fluorescent PMT detectors, FSC PMT and SSC PMT. / 0.5 micron minimum resolution.
Fluorescence Sensitivity: <125 MESF for FITC and PE.
Fluidics:Onboard temperature controlled fludics composed of sampling station for 5ml tube with agitator and washing station that ensure automatic backflushing of sample lines between sort runs. Internal buffer chamber allows user to swap fluids without interrupting a sort.
Sorting Collection: Up to 5 x 5ml (or 1.5ml) tubes each direction (10 tubes total). Optional 8-well strip each direction or microscope slides. Sort chamber includes an aerosol evacuation port for connection to a biosafety system.
Sort Performance: 37-43 kHz droplet frequency. >99% pure. Typically sorts 8000 events/sec for dense cell preparation.
Alignment: Automatedl nozzle tip and stream-to-optics alignment, driven completely by AutoGimbal software utilizing cameras. Stream-in-air technology.
Aquisition rate: 100,000 events/sec maximum.
Power: 120 VAC/ 240VAC +/- 10%, 50/60 Hz +/-2 Hz. Power consumption: 220 watts maximum.
Dimensions/weight: 70cm w x 65cm d x 65cm h (27.5" w x 25.5" d x 25.5" h) / 90kg (198 lb).
Manufacture date: 2015

Located at seller's lab. Minimum use with bi-weekly system startup, shutdown and QC. Last Bio-Rad PM replaced working parts with new. Seller has no further need for a sorter. Bio-Rad list price in 2015 with 640nm upgrade and warranty was $168K. This S3e has remarkable user-friendly features, compact size and collection options. However, it does not sort into 96-well plates. An optional class 1 biosafety system available from Bio-Rad would be controlled by the existing ProSort software.

There is no requirement for this flow cytometer to be processed through our refurbishing facility. It remains at the original lab with minimal use and a recently expired service contract.
Installation by a qualified service representative quoted separately. The price would include all travel expenses and labor required to confirm proper operation at the buyer's facility utilizing standard calibration procedures.
Instrument and/or applications training by a qualified representative are available for an additional fee. The quoted price would include travel and perdiem expenses when training is performed during an installation visit. Otherwise additional reimbursement for travel and perdiem expenses may be required.
Custom warranty or service contracts can be quoted separately.

Shipping and packing costs will be the responsibility of the buyer.

Since this S3e is not owned by Spectron, full payment will be made directly to the seller prior to shipment unless other arrangements are made.
Spectron Corporation would appreciate the opportunity to bid on a service contract covering our products as well as other flow cytometers located at your facility. Please inquire into any modifications to the listed products that would better suit your requirements. We strive for complete satisfaction.